Lavishing Love

Brand new song today!! So excited to share this one about the Prodigal Son…let me know what you think!

Finding My Way Back to You
Written by Ben Ward

You overwhelm me with mercy
You overtake me with grace
Lavishing love, more than enough
Goodness I see and taste
So why do I run away?

So unworthy
Still You love me
Yet You celebrate
As I’m finding my way
In Your time and Your place
Back to the look on Your face
Full of mercy and grace
I’m finding my way back to You

All the riches and glory in Jesus
You willingly gave away
Sacrificing Your Son so I could come
Bask in the light of Your face
Why do I run away?


For the Joy

Hebrews 12

The Race of Faith

1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I think we have to have a reward in front of us. Something that makes the battle, the suffering, the pain, the annoying inconvenience worth it. Something that makes us go, “Yes-for THAT!”

When I was missing Olivia like crazy while she was on the Ranch, I could keep looking forward to the amazing day when she came home and we could celebrate the beginning of a new life. When I was in the middle of yet another run on the treadmill because it was so cold and snowy, I could imagine being healthy, fit and not fat anymore. When I’m training for this year’s NYC Marathon (my first:) and I can’t imagine waking up early to run some crazy distance I just think about being able to finish; I think about the kids in Africa that I’m raising money for….the JOY set before me.

Look at the verse–even Jesus, the very Son of God, needed a joy to look forward to so He could endure…

Don’t you? Don’t I?

What’s the JOY that is set before you? Maybe you need to find it so you can get going…