Now that I’m a “free agent” I thought I would fire up the Blog again. I look forward to sharing and discussing all kinds of fun stuff soon! Olivia and I are currently in Peoria, Illinois, but will be back in Nashville in about a week or so waiting on the Lord. He’s got a new assignment for us and we’re excited to find out what it is :).
Ben – –
Stay in touch via here and Facebook. I am not sure of what happens, or happened…Only the vague announcement of changes that was made at New Community. We hold you in our hearts, our prayers, and lift you up to the Lord. We loved the time we had worshiping with you, and I look forward to that official version of “To Worship You”, and “Mover of Mountains”. You have a gift from God and I am a lover of what you do.
May the Peace of God Follow You my Brother.
Jason Schifo