What’s Next?

Well, Olivia and I moved our stuff into storage in Nashville this week and moved in with her sister Hannah for the next little while.  It’s weird, no doubt.  I’m going to Lebanon in a week or so with Olivia’s Dad (www.triumphantmercy.org) for three weeks.  It’s going to be amazing, I know it.  I’ve never been to the Middle East and the Lord is moving mightily there.  I’m excited to learn and see what He is doing.  Olivia and I both are believing the Lord will show us what the next step is.  Where does he want us?

One possibility is starting a Church here in Nashville with her Dad.  Another is something in New York City.  It feels strange right now, though, because we’re just waiting.  Waiting to see where and what He wants next.

Another Step Forward

Now that I’m a “free agent” I thought I would fire up the Blog again.  I look forward to sharing and discussing all kinds of fun stuff soon!  Olivia and I are currently in Peoria, Illinois, but will be back in Nashville in about a week or so waiting on the Lord.  He’s got a new assignment for us and we’re excited to find out what it is :).