Today the subway was packed with people. That’s not unusual in the mornings, but today was extra tight. I noticed a woman standing next to me reading the Bible and it got me thinking about how many people I see reading Scripture on the train. Of course, everyone’s usually doing something – reading, writing, listening to music – but there’s often someone reading the Bible.
So often we hear about how the Church is compacting and leaders ask the question, “Where are all the believers?” While this is not necessarily a bad question to ask, God’s been showing me that He has believers everywhere. Even in the darkest places His people are there. They are praying. They are seeking Him. They are the ones bringing the favor of God upon those places. They are leading people out of the darkness.
What I’ve started doing when I see these people on the train is just praying for them. Praying that God would show them something so incredible, so wonderful in that moment. It’s the only place to start for my new brother or sister I didn’t know existed just minutes before.
Jesus is building His Church in the Earth. Let’s look for each other. Let’s encourage each other — even if we don’t always agree. He’s worthy of that and so much more.
May we be His Body:
And God placed all things under his (Christ’s) feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way. – Ephesians 1:22-23
This will be a light week on the blog as I’m preparing to lead worship at Shelter Rock Church this weekend and Olivia and I are answering the question, “To move or not to move…”
hey ben…………
I totally agree. I have lived, traveled to so many cities, international or lower 48, and I usually do find Christians in rather seemingly unusual or unexpected places……
enjoyed reading your thoughts……….I will keep you and Olivia in my prayers as you decide where God is moving you, leading you or just keeping you there!
God bless,
Thanks so much, Brooke! It’s so great to hear from you.