It’s the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God—“Jesus is my Master”—embracing, body and soul, God’s work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead. That’s it. You’re not “doing” anything; you’re simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That’s salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: “God has set everything right between him and me!”
Our 🎶🎶 for today is an original song of mine called “You Love Me.”
Readings for today…Psalm 16, 17, 22, Deuteronomy 31:7-13, 24-32:4, Romans 10:1-13, Matthew 24:15-31
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