The Season After Pentecost, Wednesday, Proper 29, in the Church Calendar
This week we are following the Daily Office lectionary with an episode Monday through Wednesday. Off Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving holiday in the US.
Celebrating the life of Clement, Bishop of Rome today.
Our general order and lectionary comes from the Book of Common Prayer Daily Office. We’ll sing “When I Look Upon Your Holiness” by Cathy Perrin and Wayne Perrin. We’ll then offer a Prayer of Confession. We’ll read Psalm 85:8-13 followed by the Gloria Patri. Our Scripture Lesson is Luke 6:37-45 . We’ll say the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Collect of the Day. We’ll then have a time of prompted prayer.
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Art: 11th-century mosaic of St. Clement from St. Sophia of Kyiv
Collect of the Day
Clement, Bishop of Rome, c. 100, Rite Two
Almighty God, you chose your servant Clement of Rome to recall the Church in Corinth to obedience and stability: Grant that your Church may be grounded and settled in your truth by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; reveal to it what is not yet known; fill up what is lacking; confirm what has already been revealed; and keep it blameless in your service; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.