Football Movies

So, I like football movies…

I only played for a couple years, but I think back on that time with a lot of fondness.  Maybe because the practices was so incredibly grueling.  I know that seems weird…you are sure that you are going to die right there on the field from pure exhaustion…I remember being so thirsty that I would suck on my sweat soaked jersey.  But you don’t die, you get a water break and nasty garden-hose-pvc-pipe water tastes like Evian.  The feeling afterward of having accomplished something is nothing short of exhilarating.

So, back to  football movies…

I watched The Express recently and was reminded of something that I want to be a part of my life now: The head coach in the movie (Dennis Quaid) talks about how they can beat the other teams by being more prepared — by the quality they produce.

In my songwriting I want to keep pushing through until I have a song that is the absolute best it can be.  There is a part of music that is intangible and you can’t control, but the part I have responsibility for, I want to be exceptional.

In my singing and guitar/keys playing I want to play the best parts possible for me.  I don’t want to just play chords…I want to write parts that I have to practice!  (I can’t believe I’m writing this down…)  It doesn’t have to be complicated, just right.  Sometimes the simplest things can be the most beautiful.  But I don’t want to just settle for something because it’s just good enough.

In my  relationship with God I want to press on and experience all that He has for me.  I don’t want to just get by and know that I’m a Christian.  I want to know more of Him.  I want to see and hear things I can’t even imagine.  I want Him to use me to do great things.  What He designates as great — not necessarily what the world thinks is significant.  I want to see Him move and touch people and shower them with grace and mercy like He has throughout history…I want to be a part of great stories that people tell years from now.

So, yeah, I like football movies…how about you?

I’m Breaking the Speed Limit

youtube sessions

Thanks to my friend Lani Brandon for letting me use her keyboard this week.  I wrote this tune after getting a few speeding tickets…seems I can’t speed without getting caught!

Download MP3 here.  Play here: [audio:|titles=Speed Limit|artists=Ben Ward]

Love Song for Olivia (11 Years!)

youtube sessions

This past Saturday was our 11th anniversary so I did what any good songwriter does  [:) ] and wrote her a song. 

If you’re interested, the last anniversary song I wrote Olivia was “Like This” from my album State I’m In.

Let me know what you think!

Download the MP3 here.  Play here: [audio:|titles=11 Years|artists=Ben Ward]

A Little Garth…

youtube sessions

A little change of pace this week.  I’ve played you eight new original songs in-a-row so I thought it would be fun to do a cover.  This is the first Garth Brooks song I learned to play.  It’s very James Taylorish so it fit me just right.  It was written by Garth and Victoria Shaw from the album Fresh Horses.

She’s Every Woman

Download | Play:[audio:|titles=She’s Every Woman|artists=Ben Ward]

One Day I’ll Learn from Goodbye

youtube sessions

This week I’ve got a new song that I  wrote a couple years ago with my friend Chris Roberts.  Chris is in the band One Flew South and is an all-around great guy.  I’m actually going into withdrawl beacuse we haven’t written together in so long :).

Olivia and I love to go to estate sales, but they can be sad sometimes.  This inspired us to write about “Pictures hanging on the wall.”

Make sure to comment!

Download the MP3 here. Play here:[audio:|titles=Pictures|artists=Ben Ward]

I’m All For That

So the schedule is all messed up this week!  It makes for more fun, though…normally you get a “YouTube Sessions” on Monday, “Just My Opinion” piece on Wednesday, and a review / recommendation on Friday.  But I just finished the YT Session last night so it will be up tomorrow night.  Oh the joys of fitting it all in!

Check out this quote from a Cameron Crowe interview with Joni Mitchell from Rolling Stone in 1978:

Had Smith (Elektra/Asylum Chairman of the Board Joe Smith), in the course of running the company, ever discussed commercial direction with Mitchell?

“You don’t tell Joni Mitchell what to do,” he said.

Oh my, how have times changed.  The music business used to be filled with people who wanted to serve the ideals and even whims of artists.  Now artists grovel at the feet of anyone who will give them the time-of-day.  Don’t get me wrong, there were always businessmen who took advantage of musicians, but today, people who make deals are king.

Can’t we bring the artist back?  I don’t devalue the work and talents of dealmakers and businesspeople.  I think marketers are vital.  But it should all be in service to the music.  And where does the music come from?  The artist.  Let’s give them some room and some honor and see if we don’t get better music.

I’m all for that.  How about you?